Action-Adventure, Thriller, and Speculative Fiction Author
June 11, 2018
KT Daxon grew up in a small Florida town, dreaming of a chance to escape. Through books such as those by Ann M. Martin, and later V.C. Andrews, she was able to do just that. When she’s not busy being a Military Wife and a mother, KT enjoys reading, writing, and photography. While she’s not an introvert, she does enjoy a few quiet moments in the day. KT began writing in high school and later took a job as an article writer for the Hampton Roads Shopper, a local newspaper in Hampton Roads Virginia that specialized in doing feature stories on small businesses around the community. As she neared the publication of her debut novel, Broken Tomorrows, KT put her full focus into getting the novel ready to send out into the world.
What literary pilgrimages have you gone on?
For my debut novel, I took my kids on Vacation on Memorial Day Weekend. In the story, the town is set in a fictional town that has a stream that goes down the middle of main street, with roads on either side. It’s the “significant feature” of the town. It’s how I always envisioned Nano Springs. So, I opened up Google Maps and I searched within a 10-hour drive of my home in Norfolk, Virginia. Long story short, I found a little town called, Ludlow Vermont. Funny enough, it actually had a tiny stream with little waterfall dips running through the middle of town! I was ecstatic. My husband was deployed so the kids and I hopped in the car and drove on up to Vermont. We stayed at an abandoned lodge (meaning it was the off season, so it was pretty much vacant, I didn’t even check in at that particular lodge, but at the sister site down the road). Anyway, so we spent the weekend there, exploring the town and just getting an overall feel for the place. It was nice to get away and there are a few instances (like with the abandoned lodge in the off season) that I took and used in the story. I plan to do another trip for my trilogy, though it’ll be a bit more difficult considering I’m on an island now.
Tell us about your protagonist(s)? Was there a real-life inspiration behind him or her?
I am different. I believe we are all our own hero, just as I believe we are our own worst enemy. I think this *may* get me into trouble at some point, but for Broken Tomorrows, I didn’t have a protagonist or an antagonist (unless you count Sasha. But even then, she had her reasons). That was something I was trying to get across in the story. What one person may see as evil, another person may sincerely see as non-evil. I believe this to be true in real life, so I suppose I based this off on my real-life interpretation.
What was the hardest part of writing this book?
You mean besides the editing? Ha! The hardest part of writing this book, and any book in my opinion, is getting the picture in your head onto the pages as clearly as it is in your mind.
Did you learn anything from writing this book and what was it?
I learned SO much with writing this book. I’ll try to simmer it down for the purposes of this post though. I learned that you can’t please everyone. I learned that you’ll make mistakes and you can’t beat yourself up about them. Most importantly, I learned that it is up to you (the writer) to have faith in your own work. If you don’t believe in yourself, how on earth are your readers and fellow authors supposed to believe in you?
Is there a message in your novel that you hope readers will grasp?
I hope they grasp that realistic life is not about cookie cutter happily ever after’s. That may cause me to lose those readers who look for that kind of escape, and I respect that. However, for me, I like knowing that I’ve fought my hardest, and not take for granted for what I have. “Seconds chances don’t always mean forever”.
What are your future project(s)?
I am so happy to talk about my next project! Broken Tomorrows will always be my book baby, and I’m very proud of it. However, I am taking a leap, believing in myself, and tackling a trilogy. Not only that, but a trilogy highlighting a not-so-talked-about topic of Open Marriage and the possible consequences when you play with that fire. I begin writing book one by the end of June 2018, and currently outlining all three as we speak.
Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
I like to think I’m writing what I want, but with readers that want to read it. I love surprises and unpredictable stories, and I write those. That’s the goal anyway.
What other authors are you friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?
Honestly, too many to name. I have a small circle inside a bigger circle on social media that help me in so many ways. Between giving me word prompts to push out the lines I have tossing around inside me, to encouragement, to giving me a slap in the face when I need it. I love them all and they know who they are.
What’s the best way to market your books?
Word of Mouth. Talk about your book; the library, the elevator, leave a business card and book mark when you pay your check at lunch, tell your gynecologist as you’re getting your yearly—I mean, it’s something to make the process less awkward, right? Word of Mouth is the best bet. Also, don’t be afraid to give away free copies. Don’t expect Amazon and Goodreads reviews—be graceful if they happen, but don’t expect them—and let your book speak for itself. Example: My sister who hasn’t had a chance to read my book yet (college girl) was lounging by the pool. A neighbor mentioned she loved to read. BOOM, my sister—as amazing as she is—began talking about my book. Did it result in a sale? I don’t know. But, the thought is out there.
What one thing you would give up to become a better writer?
Twitter. Ha!
If you had to do something differently as a child or teenager to become a better writer as an adult, what would you do?
I would have gotten over my shyness in High School and participated in Drama class a lot more. I think it could have opened a TON of doors for me. Sadly, I let what others thought of me take over and now I can’t go back.
Is there anything else you’d like the readers/authors out there to know about you, your novels, and/or the publishing process?
Don’t give up. Don’t burn bridges. Believe in yourself. And if you enjoy books that keep you guessing, a quick read, and inspires you to embrace the life you’re given, then check out my debut, Broken Tomorrows. 😊
by KT Daxon
How far would you go for another shot at love?
San Francisco native, Landon Marshall arrives in Nano Springs, Vermont with a painful past and a broken heart. When he meets his new boss, Gabby Lawsen, he finds himself fighting the flashbacks that haunt his dreams, and the desire to fall in love with a second chance.
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